Stephanie has always had an insatiable curiosity for learning about people. Why are we the way we are? How do we form relationships? What makes a meaningful life? Exploring these questions has led her to a career as a professional coach. Stephanie’s coaching is grounded in unconditional respect for her clients and a deep belief that all of us are capable of living authentic, values-driven, and connected lives.
Stephanie’s coaching has taken many forms. Early in her career, she taught writing, yoga, and worked as a doula. Eager to support her community more broadly, she founded Girls on the Run of New Orleans, a healthy life skills non-profit. After pursuing her MBA, she turned to organizational development consulting, working at two San Francisco firms with expertise at the intersection of executive leadership, culture, and strategy. As a consultant, she designed and facilitated dozens of projects and programs focused on building outstanding leaders and teams.
Stephanie’s path has been strongly shaped by her roots in sociology at Wesleyan University, where she received my BA. She also hold an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and is a Certified Coach through New Ventures West. Stephanie is currently pursuing a MSW through the Smith College of Social Work.