Often, our relationship to ourselves is one of building up or tearing down. We oscillate between amping ourselves up, searching for motivation or inviting encouragement from others, and if that doesn’t work, criticizing ourselves, defending from others, or feeling guilty and worthless. We see this approach modeled by others and we’ve been told it’s what we need to do if we want to change. This cycle of building up and tearing down requires ever greater amounts of energy each time around. We can feel stuck — believing something is really wrong with us or is perpetually missing.
Our Spira coaching process relies on attunement rather than coercion, providing the space for you to explore what is true with compassion and presence. As coaches, we guide you in a process of relating to yourself in ways that enable new mindsets and behaviors. You’re welcome you to come to coaching with a specific area of focus, and we encourage you to be present with whatever comes up for you through our work.
When we break from the cycle of building up and tearing down, the energy that was spent in that cycle becomes available for you. Clients find a deeper connection to their values and sense of self, along with an ability to meet opportunities and challenges with more ease and integrity.